Jesus is Lord by Daniel K.L. Chua

Just sharing an inspirational song that I heard some years back in church.  I am somewhat surprised that this song is not more widely sung in churches and I have yet to come across any other video on this song in Youtube thus far.  I hope this song ministers to you whatever station that you may be in your life.

Lyrics and Music of the song by Daniel K.L. Chua

Jesus is Lord, behold the King of Kings
Exalted high, the name above all names
I sing his praise, the Lamb upon the throne
Who reigns in glory, power and majesty

This is my God, behold his hands and side
The wounds of love, that healed my brokenness
What God is this? What kind of sacrifice
Would give so much to gain a loveless soul?

For me to live is Christ to die is gain
For Christ has died that I might gain his life
He is my All, my joy, my righteousness
My hope of glory when he comes to reign

Yes, suddenly, my God shall come again
And every name shall bow before his name
And he shall reign, forever on the throne
And in his glory there I shall proclaim



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