Showing posts with label New Year Resolution. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Year Resolution. Show all posts

Start of a New Year

So it is the start of a new year.  And I haven't had much time to do any reflection on 2011.  There are lots of things that I want to accomplish.  At the same time, I know that there are just too many distractions in life.  Will this year be significantly different from last year?  Or will it be the same?  Why don't you tell me what you think?

Resolutions for 2010

This is way way overdue. But it beats not making any resolutions at all.

I am not a great keeper of resolutions but this year, I really hope to be able to meet all my resolutions. So here they are:

Financial Resolutions:

1. I earn $40000 per month

2. I earn $6000 per month of passive income (dividends, etc)

3. I have a networth of $6,000,000

4. I have an emergency fund of $200,000

5. I earn $100 per day in Adsense.

It sounds crazy but this is what I decided to do. After watching T.Harv Eker's Millionaire Mind videos, I simply added a zero behind each of my original financial goal for this year.

"The problem is not that we set goals too high and miss it. The problem is that we set goals to low and hit it"

2010 Here I COME!

New Year Towards Financial Freedom

A new year ahead towards financial freedom as I continue my journey.

This year, I hope to make up for lost ground and increase my passive income to $600 per month. I failed in my attempt last year but it does not matter. A new year, a new beginning.

I still have not sat down to write out my resolutions for this year but I hope to do it pretty soon!

Just to share how I spent my new year... I basically spent it at home watching TV.

I also managed to finish a book that I started reading less than 3 days ago. So in 1 Jan 2010, the first book that I completed reading was: To Kill A Mocking Bird.

My wife kept saying that it was a good book to read but I have put it off until now. I am glad that I managed to finished it around 2.00am on the first day of the new year.

Right now, I am sitting here sipping my white wine with the History Channel currently showing a biography of Dr Mahatir.

The new year has come once again and I can only be amazed at how fast time has passed.

I sincerely wish all a Happy New Year! May all your dreams come true in this new year. May we continue to share our journey and both the ups and downs.

New Year Resolutions

Guess it is time to pen down my new year resolutions for 2009:

1. Run the Standard Chart 42km full marathon.
2. Lose 3 kg.
3. Achieve a $400 per month passive income.
4. Pass CMFAS Module 5,9 and Health Insurance
5. Read at least one book per month:

Jan 09 - A random walk down Wall Street (still reading since Dec 08)
Feb 09 - Globalisation and its discontents
Mar 09 - The age of turbulence
Apr 09 - Capital ideas
May 09 - The World is Flat
Jun 09 - Jewish Antiquities
Jul 09 - The Intelligent Investor (thanks to patlim for the recommendation)
Aug 09 - ???
Sep 09 - ???
Oct 09 - ???
Nov 09 - ???
Dec 09 - ???

6. Send out resumes to at least 10 companies by end Feb 09

Any good books to recommend? Preferably non-fiction books =)

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